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2023年06月27日 admin 护士过期注册 120 0

What is the Abbreviation of Chinese Pharmacology?


In the field of modern medicine, the application of traditional Chinese medicine has attracted extensive attention. As the cornerstone of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese pharmacology has become an essential area of study. One of the most common abbreviations for Chinese Pharmacology is TCM, which stands for Traditional Chinese Medicine. However, there is another abbreviation that specific to Chinese pharmacology - CMPE, which stands for Chinese Medicine Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.

Chinese Medicine Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (CMPE)


Chinese Medicine Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (CMPE) is a relatively young discipline that focuses on the study of Chinese medicines' pharmacological mechanism, systematic evaluation, and internationalization. Over the past few decades, researchers have carried out extensive studies on the mechanisms of Chinese medicines.

The Charm of Chinese Pharmacology

Traditional Chinese medicine possesses unique advantages in treating diseases, including personalized treatment and fewer side effects. Chinese pharmacology has revealed the bioactive compounds and mechanisms of action behind several Chinese medicines, including anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-viral, and anti-depressant agents. Additionally, Chinese pharmacology has a long history that stretches back thousands of years, making it one of the richest disciplines in medical history.

The Future of Chinese Pharmacology

Chinese pharmacology's understanding and application have been continuously promoted, and it has played an increasing role in modern medical research. However, Chinese pharmacology still faces challenges such as quality control, standardization of its therapeutic effects and safety, and the lack of clinical evidence from well-designed clinical trials. Researchers in the field need to promote the comprehensive and systematic study of various aspects of Chinese pharmacology, so that it can continue to play a crucial role in the development of modern medicine.


Chinese pharmacology is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine, an invaluable treasure trove of ancient medical knowledge and practice. The abbreviation CMPE, Chinese Medicine Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, represents a promising new area of research for the discipline. With the continuous exploration and application of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese pharmacology will continue to play an increasingly important role.

